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Thursday, October 21, 2010


i hate it when i hear songs i used to love. it just reminds me of the times i used to listen to them nonstop. it's not that i have a bad memory of those times, it's just that thinking of them make me feel like throwing up. i guess i finally understand why jie ji feels nauseous every time she goes back to whitney. =/


Unknown said...

That comes as a surprise to me. I love to listen to songs that remind me of the past and I love recalling childhood memories (I know it's weird, but I sometimes narrate these memories to myself). In fact, I find that I'm more critical of new songs than of old ones. It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. I'm the type of person who hates it when I forget something, even if it's a bad memory.

Cherry said...

songs, smells, tastes, anything that's a carrier of nostalgia makes me nauseous, but I know I like it at the same time because I keep probing at it